A Collection of freelance 3D set concepts modeled in Trimble Sketchup, Rendered in Depence R3.

I’ve always been fascinated by the amount of work that goes into making a show happen. The construction aspect if you will. We’ve all seen how people take LEGOs and take a solid brick with no flexibility and after adding brick after brick, an elaborate model is created. I feel the same way when these sets for concerts, events, festivals, and shows are created. From a simple steel truss and some cables to all of the sudden creating floating displays of video and lighting, creating an entire atmosphere that the show revolves around, it is absolutely amazing.

Over time I’ve curated a template based on the real world measurements of these steel “legos” and have constructed ideas of my own, based on the layout of different shows and venues, often recreating the venue itself in which the event is to be held to approximate measurements.

While these concepts are not official, I always will find it enjoyable to test the limits of what can be created within the given space available.


WWE Wrestlemania 40 Concept Set. Constructed in Sketchup Pro / Rendered in Depence R3.

Mosaic Church - We The Church Live Set

WWE Wrestlemania 40 Concept Set. Full Environment render. Constructed in Sketchup Pro / Rendered in Depence R3.

Mosaic Church - We The Church Live Set Concept in Trimble Before Rendering